Atlanta Professional Headshots

Headshot Photography Atlanta

Atlanta Portrait Photographer Steve Glass specializes in commercial and editorial portraits of all types. Sought after in both the business and acting community Steve strives to deliver quality throughout the entire process.

Last Session of 2017: Acting Headshots for Sean Fronek

Atlanta continues to become an important location for the film industry. As I work with actors I find out more and more about what's going on in Atlanta from their perspective. Most often extras are cast out of Atlanta. If you're looking for extra work it's plentiful. Yet increasingly I hear of featured extra roles and reoccuring roles "Nosy Nextdoor Neighbor" with speaking parts being cast as well. As well, the Atlanta theater scene continues to grow. Sean Fronek wanted to get some shots for both theater and film. These are two of my favorites. Acting headshots are fun for me and it gives me a chance to direct different expressions but it's just fun to work with actors who invariably are able to connect with the viewer in a way non actors seldom can.