Atlanta Professional Headshots

Headshot Photography Atlanta

Atlanta Portrait Photographer Steve Glass specializes in commercial and editorial portraits of all types. Sought after in both the business and acting community Steve strives to deliver quality throughout the entire process.

Outdoor Headshots

Georgia Humanities is a nonprofit organization working to ensure that humanities and culture remain an integral part of the lives of Georgians.
I worked with Camile Matthews in setting up the shoot. She said she would like the staff of nine shot outdoors in a park. Georgia Humanities is in an exceptionally cool part of town and we had our choice of nice parks all within a block or so of their office. We decided on Hurt Park directly across the street from their building.
Outdoor headshots have become fairly prominent in my portfolio so I get calls for them. I think they're a great way to go. It's a great way to get consistency with a lot of variance in terms of your background.
The other nice thing about outdoor headshots is that the lighting tends to flatter most people.
I'd love to work with your office in getting some outdoor headshots this Fall.